
Anokho’s Dolostone has a lower water-absorption than marble, lower than even most granites.

Worry less about leaving stains from accidental spills.


Significantly harder than marble, Anokho Dolostone has a hardness between marble and granite.

Worry less about accidentally scratching your floors and counters.


Anokho’s Dolostone tests in the highest category of Abrasion resistance, qualifying it for high-traffic, high-prestige commercial flooring such as international airports, luxury hotel lobbies and high-end malls.

Expect your Anokho floors to look good longer.

The natural stone market today seems to have two distinct ends -

  • Marble - popular for its aesthetic beauty and legacy, but structurally vulnerable to stains and scratches

  • Granite - popular for its strength and resilience, but lacks the finesse and grandeur of marble

Anokho Dolostone bridges the gap between the two, providing extremely high resilience to stains and scratches, but also displaying very literally one-of-a-kind aesthetic beauty.